Thursday, 29 May 2014

Headed South - driving, driving and more driving

After a quick Walmart stop and an unsuccessful search for an American cell phone we begin our journey south on the I95 on the look out for a rest area where we can crash for the night at the affordable price of free. We find one not too far from Callis it's a pretty little spot with a stream and small trail. We hunker down for our first night in the Hardwoo being not far from Canada at all it's still freezing in the van and after an unceremonious first meal we're happy to crawl under our blankets and sleeping bags. Glimmer is not happy.
Next morning we wake up early for the first time in months it's around 8 am when we hit the road eager to make it south enough to be warm at night as quickly as possible .
We have a shaky deal with a lady in New York to transport a table in a couple of days and we are antsy to get a n American phone so we can contact potential ride shares and let our parents and insurance companies know we are safely over the border and on our way south. We stop in Bangor our first real American city and are able to get a phone with the coverage we need , now all we need is a place to charge it and get it set up.
Truth be told we could all use a solid stop with some Wi Fi and running water a chance to use the bathroom, fill our canteens and charge our various batteries. A few hours down the road we reach a visitors plaza a testament to American convenience , and exactly what we're looking for.
Inside Calhoun spends an hour setting up the phone , the task being made grossly more difficult by the fact we don't have a zip code. Cell phone in hand we head for our next rest stop out side of Portland where we will pick up our first ride share.
We awake next morning and pick up our ride share a pleasant but quiet fellow who we take s far as Boston. It seems like a nice city , we agree to stop there another warmer time of year , but are thrilled to put some money in the tank so to speak.
We head for a parking spot out side of New York other than to pick up this table we weren't planning on stopping in New York having visited it before and been very underwhelmed by the city. We find a spot outside of New York only problem is that's all it is a pull in for transport trucks . Calhoun sets up the Coleman for the first time on the pavement outside the Hardwoo and we partake of our first hot meal in the Hardwoo consisting of rice Okra, tomatoes and jerk sauce. Girlie is pretty spooked by the big trucks going by but finally calms down allowing us to get some sleep before the morning. We finally hear back from the table lady, having cleared space for it we shoot for the city early next morning. Half an hour from the city we still haven't got an address from the table lady and are forced to bypass the city without our money making load .

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